Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I'm throwing up some links, otherwise there'd be no post for May -- a national emergency if ever I've heard one.

ESPN's Sports Guy Bill Simmons recently introduced me to Ronald Jenkees. Now Jenkees fever is sweeping the You Tube. Yeah!

More stuff I found on the You Tube. (Now you know why I never post, and when I do post, it's only stuff from the You Tube.) So far, I've asked the Ninja about the English language, Pirates of the Caribbean, and College.

Rainy Day/Double Deuce begins shooting the next movie today. "Guiding Mr. Jenkins" is a twenty minute short for a summer Digital Cinema class -- a class with a dozen people, which means a crew of a dozen people (up from our usual crew size of two).

Also, little baby Reini is due in 2-3 weeks. Speaking of which, I just found out in Baby Class that babies regularly need "changing." It looked pretty gross. Who knew?


At 1:36 PM, Blogger JC said...

Aaron- I'm so glad that you were able to find out about the "changing" issue before Baby Reini makes her appearance. Dad's are also really good at swaddeling- no one could swaddle Lauren like Larry could.


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