Saturday, March 31, 2007

"Requiem for a Soda" Photo Tour

We got it all shot in one day, and I only had to call people back on two separate occasions (thanks for your cooperation and graciousness, DJ and Andi).

Here's the tour.

Most movies use large puffy blue mats for their stunts. Or at least a bed mattress. We used a single chair.

On rollers.

Drew and Paul celebrate no broken bones.

The lighting studio tended to encourage spontaneous posing.

Some day . . . real sets.

The script required Matt Brown to sit on a bench and drink from a can. It was a lot colder than it looks.

Drew did an admirable job protecting the camera with the patchwork umbrella he McGuyvered. (Look at the handle and the background directly behind him.)

Eric Nelson is the star. Plus, thanks to his FM-90 hook up, he got us free Papa John's. Hurray Eric!

Drew busts out his patented angry eyes.

Andi aptly imitates my round-faced, wide-eyed storyboard drawings. As for Eric, this is called, after all, "Requiem for a Soda."

Thanks to Andi, Paul, DJ and whoever else might've snapped the odd photo.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger JMS said...

That's "MacGyver."

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Graceland King said...

I can only assume, being the brilliant filmmaker that you are, that the Coke is standing in until the real star arrives...that's Pepsi.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't Wait! What's the date, again?

You have a bigger crew this year. Will it be Ipods for everyone?

The Colonel and The Blonde
( A bad CBS sitcom)

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Reinman said...

Wed. April 18 at 7:00 for Bemidji's Beaver Film Fest.

Sat. April 21 for the Regional (held in Bemidji).

As for the prizes, I'll have to ask Andi or someone. I don't know much except I think there are six places this year (and at least a dozen films -- probably more).

Fun stuff!


And I'm sorry, JMS. That was inexcusable.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger dangeresque dan said...

Hey, that is worthy of a real requiem. It's a glass bottled bottle. Well deserving of one. Heck, maybe two. Who's did you use for the music?

At 7:12 PM, Blogger andi said...

let's not forget the red carpet party at 6 pm on the 18th...

i thought i did a pretty good job of looking like my storyboarded self in that one picture...i can see the resembleance!

At 9:18 AM, Blogger midnight mama said...

Reinman, did you get my email a couple days ago? When can you start the project?


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