Saturday, March 10, 2007

Oh, there's that movie script I wrote!

I've finally hammered out a script for this year's film fest. I recently pitched it to the Professor in his office.

Me: The important thing is, it's got the perfect part for you. It's about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason.

The Professor: I'm listening.

Me: Okay, okay, well, you see . . . this robot, he's got a heartbreaking decision to make about whether his best friend lives . . . or dies.

The Professor: Eh.

Me: His best friend's a talking pie!

The Professor: Sold! Reinman, you've done it again!

* * *
Seriously, though, I've got nothing. It hasn't been for lack of trying. I've spent the past month scribbling on page after page in my notebook, and I've produced a lot of helpful material -- plenty of excellent shot descriptions and plot points, such as, "benches are new," "do something with a fridge," and my personal favorite "pick a scab?" Who needs rising action, an epiphany, or even a protagonist when you have new benches . . . somewhere . . . doing something.

All in all, my inability to come up with a decent script is a symptom of a larger, more serious problem -- my ongoing creative dry spell. Consider the facts. My blog is running on fumes. The last two stories I turned in for my fiction class were (1) a modified blog post and (2) a chapter from a story from a universe that the Colonel created.

I haven't produced anything original for over a year -- not even my films. "Prelude" was just a collection of old family games that the Colonel made up, and "Doing Anything" annoys me because the DVD isn't done, so it doesn't count.

In fact, the only truly original thing I've done over the past two years is the "Immigrant Song" video.

Man, that video rules.

And, watching it now for the first time in months, I feel the first, subtle hints of inspiration. I realize I do still have something left in the tank. In fact, an idea for this year's film fest is even now beginning to take shape in my mind. It's fast. It's clever. And most importantly, it's original.

I've even come up with a title.

On April 18, watch out for "Immigrant Song 2: Electric Boogaloo."


At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is proof that pessimism has taken over reinman's readers - that I am the first to comment. I rarely check your post anymore for fear of 2:10 staring at me...

But seriously, I think you've done something incredibly creative and original. He or she is due in June.

So much material on the way!

At 7:46 PM, Blogger dangeresque dan said...

Are you at least going to give credit to Homer? Or even any Simpsons character? But to be fair. You DID forget the dog with the shifty eyes. But a word of advice. Around December 3-4 I think there should be Christmas Immigrant song.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger andi said...

haha...nice title! get excited for the film fest this year. why you might ask? because i'm running it. better get out your suit and tie...bsu's going classy this year! i'm rolling out the red carpet!


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