Saturday, December 16, 2006

Shotgun Post

Yesterday I turned in my term paper for Rhetorical Theory. It was eight pages long. The assignment called for fifteen. So on one hand, I only turned in about half of what I was supposed to, but on the other hand, at least they were eight poorly written pages.

Speaking of writing, the Colonel recently approached me about co-authoring a novel with him. I was really excited until I remembered that fiction writing isn't at all like blog writing, in that fiction writing requires actual skill. In other words, I won't be able to count on stupid pictures, links, or George Lucas jokes to bail me out of a crappy sentence.

I saw Apocolypto last weekend. Go out and see it right now. It's awesome because it's different than everything else out there. It's not like all those other wussy movies that don't have crazy people on top of enormous pyramids, punting severed heads down the steps.

I shaved off my little chin beard today, because I decided College Writing teachers don't have little chin beards - they have sprawling, gnarled, Jolly Ranchers-stuck-in-the-hair beards. I can't wait. (Although right now I look eerily like the Hermit.)

I got my Wii by the way. The Jilb and I broke down and ordered one off ebay a few days after the OdyssWii. It is, of course, the sole reason for my lack of posting. The main culprit has been the new Zelda game, which was almost the best game I've ever played, until - about 80% into it - I ran into a glitch that wouldn't let me continue past that point. After all that time and term paper-neglecting, I wasn't even allowed to finish the stupid game. I was so mad, I almost pulled a Doug Downs on my controller.

Oh, and for those of you who haven't found out yet, the Jilb and I are having a baby. The little tiny baby will be due right around the birthday of little tiny Penny. Some people have been asking what we're gonna name it. I thought I had a good one until I found out my uncle Dan already had dibs on the name "Bucket." So I'm back to square one.


At 6:22 AM, Blogger Graceland King said...

Yeah, Apocolypto was great. That part where the Mayan dude killed that other Mayan dude was the best part. I think Mel got the Mayan's and Aztecs confused though.

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Jason said... would not let you finish Zelda. Go track down Shigeru Miyamoto and punt him off of a pyramid!

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby names...paul referred to our unborn as "cletus the fetus" until they popped out. so, there's that.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby names eh? Might I suggest Cecil. Cecil Reini, it's got "Pop" and I know how much you like Coke.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby names. i would also suggest using the title of the movie you blogged about...apocolypto. it's got a good "buzz" and i see that you like bees.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Reinman said...

Oh no. Bees suck and they're worthless and I hate them.

Stupid bees.

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

me: hey, i heard from reinman that bees suck and that they are worthless.

google: honeybees can perceive movements that are separated by 1/300th of a second. humans can only sense movements separated by 1/50th of a second. were a bee to enter a cinema, it would be able to differentiate each individual movie frame being projected.

me: i'll let reinman know.

google: bees have been making honey for at least 150 million years.

me: wow. bees are boring.

At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's so unfortunate when you(not YOU specifically, since that is hardly noteworthy or rare) think of something clever, but then realize it just doesn't make a lot of sense. I blame Dwayne Casey. Safe to say your early mornings (anytime before 11am) are a touch more interesting than mine. That was rather amusing and captivating, with excellent bit parts for Drew and DJ... could have used Mikey D perhaps.

I am going to the old country buffet tomorrow/today so i've got that going for me. I do not possess a dueling glove, but I hereby challenge you in the future to a game of Sequence for Kids. Knibb High football rules.
-Stuck in the Suburbs

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to the Bucket idea, when Ilsa was little, she used to play in rain puddles and sing "don't be sad little Bucket." Think of it metered and sing-songy. Hmmmmmm. Could it be foreshadowing?

little bucket reini

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid's name will be seven

At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAIT A SEC. I have not checked blogs for WEEKS and I come back and you haven't UPDATED????

what are you doing, writing a novel or something?


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